1 SMS = 160 chars = 1 Unit

Buy 1 SMS for as low as ₦ 1.50

We have different prices based on the purchasing units. Our price list and payment information are detailed below.


The following are the unit prices of SMS based on the purchasing quantity.

Price for 1,000,000 SMS units and above starts from ₦ 2.38. Please contact us for negotiation/confirmation.

Payment Info

Pay via VISA | MasterCard | Verve | Internet Banking

You can purchase SMS units and make payment with your Credit/Debit cards (recommended) and Electronic/Internet Banking. Payment with Credit/Debit cards gives instant credit of your SMS account. Make electronic transfer only into any of the following accounts with your USERNAME as the payment description where applicable. We will update your account immediately we receive confirmation of your payment. But if your account is not updated a while after a payment has been made, please send your Username and payment details [Amount Paid, Reference Number (in case of Electronic Transfer), Date of Payment, Account Paid into, and Purpose of Payment] to 0808-2009-035 or contact us via any of our support channels. It will be treated immediately the payment is confirmed. Please note that electronic transfer or cash deposit may attract ₦ 52.50 STAMP DUTY charge deductible from any amount paid.

Access Bank Plc.

Account Name

Simdol Technologies

Account Number